Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thursday's Quiz

Don't forget your landforms map quiz on Thursday. Below is a photo of the map we will use. Don't forget it!! Practice using the map we filled out today! We'll do another practice tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for the update on the quiz on Thusday even though I havent't been to your class because of our guest speaker.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  2. Thank you for the map practice sheet. I will make sure to study these landforms.

    Alejandra Vazquez
    6th Period

  3. Ms.Morton will we study for the quiz thursday alot because i am in your sixth period and we didnt see you today.

  4. Thanks for the new update on the quiz. Will we get to study a lot tomorrow because I wasn't in your class today because of the guess speaker?

    Emily Cooper
    6th period

  5. Thanks Mrs. Morton!! I just finished studying my sheet and I am ready to take the quiz on Thursday!
    - Tina Nguyen
    5th period

  6. Thank you Mrs.Morton I will be sure to tudy.
    Matthew Lee 5th period

  7. I studied my hardest last night and i think i will do great on it!!

    Dakota Dunlap
    7th peroid

  8. oh and is there a way for me to print off the study guide for this test so i can study some more because mine got all messed up

    Dakota dunlap
    7th period

  9. Thank you Mrs. Morton for the headsup and the study guide. I am sure I will pass the test. Christine Lee

  10. I am studying right now and will and I am sure I will pass.
    Avery Israel 6th

  11. thanks I'm studying now. andrea brimhall 4th

  12. Thanks for the study guide, Mrs. Morton! It really is easier to study when you know pretty much exactly what is going to be on the test.
    -Sukanya Barman
    P.S. I am really tired of proving that I am not a robot over and over.

  13. Thank you, Mrs. Morton. I'm going to study very hard to pass.
    - Janani Mahadevan, 5th pd.

  14. Thanks a bunch. I studied for this one, hopefully I won't forget by tomorrow... D:

    -Chloe Carter, 6th period
