Sunday, September 22, 2013

Recap of Our Week and Preview of the Upcoming Week

We had a busy week last week. We practiced on mapping our major landforms, and quizzed on that information on Thursday. By the way, great news, the majority of our students made an A on that quiz! We took notes on information about regions; what constitutes a region, what characteristics unify them. We continued to work on our Landforms Foldable project, and we attended a great speaker presentation by the author of Al Capone Does My Shirts, by Gennifer Choldenko.

Al Capone Does My Shirts: Choldenko, Gennifer

In the coming week we will take notes on information about characteristics that divide regions, we will create a study guide that combines all of our regions information and then we will test on the information on Thursday. We will finish up our Landforms Foldables Project by Friday (hopefully); and on Friday we are expecting to have a guest speaker from the Confucious Institute at University of Memphis who will instruct students on the ancient Chinese game of GO, which is a component of our Honors Matrix for Cultural Geography studies. It will be another busy week.

One student asked me to refresh their mind as to what they needed to include on their Landforms Foldable because they wanted to take it home it home over the weekend. So, here is the reminder: one small research paragraph that is historic and informational, a few fun facts on a separate block of informational text, a drawing of the landform, some small pictures of products or tourist pictures of the landform, a small map if room allows, and a small 3D product sample if room allows (the example we used in class is a cotton ball to represent cotton produced along the Nile and Mississippi Rivers). 

Hope you all had a great three day weekend and are well rested to move into the fall portion of our semester.


  1. I am ready. Thank you for the reminder. I am working on some of the material so I can be ready for school tomorrow.
    Rashad Abdur - Raheem 4th period

  2. Do you have to have a separate block of text? I just put this in the research paragraph.

    Maya Saxe, #3

  3. Thank you, Mrs. Morton for the reminder about the foldables and what we will be doing this week.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  4. I'll use this to let me know what I need for my foldable.
    Reginald Matthews 4th

  5. Cant wait to learn how to learn Go.
    Gigi Ford 3rd

  6. Thank you for the reminder of for what we need to put on our foldable.
    Shelby Moore -5th

  7. Thx for info i'll get working on it Sam Baker 4th Period

  8. This is going to be a really busy week! I can't wait to learn more about Go. Thanks for the information Mrs. Morton. See you tomorrow.
    -Sukanya Barman

  9. The video you showed us about Go was really helpful! Thank for the information! See you tomorrow!
    selenne zarate 5th period

  10. Thanks for the information about the upcaoming week.
    Matthew Lee 5th period

  11. thanks for the reminder on the foldables

    Aniston Hicks 5th period

  12. I'm ready mrs. morton
    -andrea brimhall 4th

  13. I loved the break I played minecraft a lot during those days
    Matthew Lee 5th period

  14. Thanks Mrs. Morton!! Now I know what I am supposed to display on my foldable!!
    Tina Nguyen- 5th Period

  15. Thanks!
    London Pirtle 4th

  16. Thanks for the recap ,the preview,and I can't wait to meet the guest visitor for the game Go
    -Shreya Veeravelli 6th

  17. Thanks for the reminder
    Michele Solis
    5th period

  18. Thanks for the reminder, Mrs. Morton. ~Christine Lee

  19. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the reminder and for the preview.

    Emily Cooper
    6th period

  20. Thanks for the reminder.
    Avery Israel 6th

  21. Thanks, Mrs. Morton!!!

  22. Thanks Mrs Morton!

    Marissa Walker- 7th period
