Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Global Cooling?

global cooling

And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year

  • Almost a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012
  • BBC reported in 2007 global warming would leave Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013
  • Publication of UN climate change report suggesting global warming caused by humans pushed back to later this month
By David Rose


  1. Cant believe a million or more square miles of ocean is ice.
    Gigi Ford 3rd

  2. I can't believe that 920,00 more square miles of oceans are iced.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  3. Wow! Never would have thought of global cooling.
    Maya, 3rd

  4. Man what's next Global Warming........wait they already have that. Opps Sam Baker 4th Period

  5. Whoa...that's cold, guys. BA-DUM-TISS
    -Jana Shelton,5th pd.

  6. This is good right? Doesn't this mean that we won't drown?

    ~Amy Xue 4th Period

  7. Will this affect our climate?
    Emily Arnold
    4th Period

  8. That is awesome Mrs. Morton Mario Ray 6th Period

  9. I have read about this it is interesting

  10. I would like to learn more about Global Cooling because most people talk about global warming

    Neil Arora

  11. This is super cool! People always talk about global warming!
    Autumn Darling 5th period

  12. Wow. Is this good news? Callie Hofeditz 4th period

  13. Global Cooling! I did not expect this turn of events. So... now we will not drown right?
    Rashad Abdur - Raheem 4th Period

  14. This is not good news this is bad news.
    Matthew Lee 5th period

  15. This is terrible! The North Pole is growing on us and we will be turning freezing cold.Not to mention polar bears! We need to increase global warming a little.
    -Talha Khan 5th Period

  16. Cool do you no why it does this
    Cameron Allen 7th Period

  17. Wow! Isn't that amazing. I have never heard of global cooling! I wonder what the effects of it is going to do. Christine Lee

  18. I hardly hear of global cooling Mario Ray 6th period

  19. I have always heard about global warming, but I have never heard of global cooling.
    Avery Israel 6th

  20. That is so cool would it affect any of our ocean currents?
    Kelsey Kellett 5th period

  21. One day we will wake up on an ice planet!
    Joshua Cox
    3rd pd

  22. Now Presenting... The Real Life Ice Age.
    Krishi Pradeep

    4th prd.

  23. wow that's very cold andrea brimhall 4th

  24. It seems that one minute we're all going to drown from melting ice caps, and the next the polar ice caps are suddenly deciding to rebel against scientists by doing the exact opposite of what they say is going to happen.
    So, is the world as we know it going to end by too much water, or the next ice age? Who knows!
    (Wow I just realized that I wrote way more than I originally meant to. Sorry.)
    -Sukanya Barman (Because who else could it be?)

  25. I remember freaking out about drowning when everyone was talking about Global Warming. Now I have to freak out about freezing to death.

    This only goes to show that everything cannot be predicted through a prediction (if that makes any sense). Things happen that are still impossible to even comprehend, much less predict.

    - Janani Mahadevan, 5th pd.

  26. This is just a cycle. In the 1950s there was a global cooling period. Then we went through "global warming" and now its cooling up again.

    -Claire Brindley

  27. I can't believe that 60 percent of the arctic ice caps grew.

    Shreya Veeravelli 6th period

  28. I can't believe that 60 percent of the arctic ice caps grew.

    Shreya Veeravelli 6th period

  29. i wonder what the cause of this is
    selenne zarate 5th pd

  30. i thought the polar ice caps would melt and we would flood guess i was wrong
    Avi Dixit 5th

  31. Global cooling... weird. Take that, hippies.
    On a more serious note, what if this is the beginning of another ice age? :O

    -Chloe Carter, 6th period

  32. Global cooling... weird. Take that, hippies.
    On a more serious note, what if this is the beginning of another ice age? :O

    -Chloe Carter, 6th period

  33. cool that's interesting
    michele solis
    5th period

  34. How did our climate change so that there was 1,000,000,000 new sheets of ice caps on the earth?

    Domonique Gause from 5th period

  35. But that is still awesome and good for us. Domonique Gause 5th period

  36. and scientists think global warming is going on...

  37. What about the Antarctic cap? I'm curious.

    Zachary Jordan
    4Th period.

  38. Take that scientists! All this time you have been blaming it on humankind. The Gladiator S.S. teacher had a theory that would lead to this; I guess he was right. His theory was that the Earth had its own heating and cooling system, which would explain the Ice Age and why it got suddenly warmer. Now that it is getting much cooler, I see where he got this idea from. Now that puts everything into perspective, right? :)
    -Ganga Pradeep, 6th period

  39. That's one less thing we have to worry about.
    Reginald Matthews 4th
