Friday, October 18, 2013

What Type of Learner Are You?

We are going to take an online survey that will determine (to the greatest degree possible) what type of learner each student is on this team. Are you a visual (sight oriented), auditory (hearing oriented), or kinesthetic (physical movement) learner?

Log on to this site: and take the survey. When you are finished, click submit at the bottom. It will then classify you as a specific kind of learner, and then you will print that out and bring it to me on Monday.

Don't forget! Have a great weekend and STUDY!!!!!!!


  1. According to this quiz, I am a Kinesthetic learner. Which I am. About 80% percent of the time.
    -Ganga Pradeep ^_^

    1. But honestly, I'm really more of a visual learner.
      -Ganga Pradeep

  2. I will study and so will my teammates!!!I just finished this quiz and I am a visual learner!! That makes a lot of sense, because I'm better at looking at things...
    - Tina Nguyen
    5th Period

  3. I am an Auditory learner which makes sense but i feel i am also a visual learner
    Hamsa Jambulapati
    6th period

  4. I'm a Kinesthetic. that makes sense. -andrea brimhall 4th

  5. I'm a visual learner and that makes sense because I can't do anything without being shown first.****Christine Lee****

  6. I will study hard. I just finished the quiz and I am a Visual learner. It makes a lot of sense because I do better looking at how you do/solve it.
    -Alejandra Vazquez
    6th period

  7. I will study hard. I just finished the quiz and I am a Visual learner. It makes a lot of sense because I do better looking at how you do/solve it.
    -Alejandra Vazquez
    6th period

  8. i will study and im a kinesthetic learner
    michele solis 5th

  9. I am a Kinesthetic which makes a lot of sense.
    ~Lauren Wilson 6th period

  10. I just took the survey and I am a visual learner which makes sense I have to see how to do something to do it later, but in Mrs. Chandler's class I was an auditory learner. I can't just hear something and do it I have to see how to work it.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  11. Wow I just wrote a huge comment and then when I pressed "Publish", I realized that I forgot to switch it to Anonymous. So, I am a visual learner and I agree with that. But, I also think that I am also a little auditory too because for some answers, I kind of went back and forth between two answer choices because they both fit. Like, for one question, I remember names AND faces! I am such a rebel. Not.
    - Sukanya Barman (5th)

  12. I litrally got both combo of Visual and Auditory larner. Yay m!!!!

  13. Based on my answers, I am a combo of Auditory and Kinesthetic.
    selenne zarate 5th period

  14. i am a visual learner
    Matthew lee 5th period

  15. i took the test and i am a kinesthetic learner... i always so things to learn and use my hands while i talk!!
    Dakota Dunlap
    7th period
