Sunday, October 20, 2013

Recap of the Week & A Peek at Next Week

We had a great week last week. We totally immersed ourselves into the question of time; what it is or, more interestingly, what it isn't. We learned about time zones, both internationally and those of the U.S. We also looked a little closer at some familiar things and the roles they play in time, such as the Prime Meridian and the International Dateline. Time seemed to pass very quickly for us last week!

We also formed our Peer Support Groups which will be pivotal this nine weeks in making sure all students stay on their toes, have what they need and are prepared as we dig deeper into the geographic curriculum. So far, they appear to be working great and our first test tomorrow will tell the tale of their success.

Tomorrow, Monday, October 20th, we take our Time Zones Test. A study guide was placed on the blog last Thursday. That, in addition to student notes and Lesson 10: Understanding Time Zones is all that was needed to study for the test. Students created flash cards for the test on Friday, for which they will receive a grade, as a study strategy.

Next week we will begin Earthquakes and Volcanoes. This is always a fascinating unit for students, and it holds many cross curricular elements with science. I can't wait to get into the New Madrid Fault again this year - we always have so many good conversations about that!

Hope you had a great weekend and that the week ahead is good one!


  1. Thank you for the update, Mrs. Morton. See you tomorrow! Christine Lee

  2. Thanks Mrs Morton!!!! I'm looking forward to the test tomorrow!!!!!Nhylia 5th

  3. I studied hard and I think I am ready for this test. The pier support groups are really helping me to be motivated -Zoe Woody 5th

  4. The weekends just go by so quickly! Thanks for the heads up and lets see what the week holds. Hey, when's our next break?
    - Sukanya Barman (5th)

  5. I'm looking forward to that. See you tomorrow... and the test.

    Krishi Pradeep
    4th prd.

  6. 6th not 5th whoops -Zoe Woody

  7. Sorry, the first ltter of my nam won't type on the kyboard. Man, the w__k_nd just fl_w by! Thanks for th_ h_ads up, Mrs.Morton!

    --_lain_ Fu

  8. I'm looking forward to that test Mario Ray 6th period

  9. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the update! I studied really hard for the time zones test!! I am really looking forward to learning about earthquakes and volcanoes. See you tomorrow!!
    -Selenne Zarate 5th period

  10. Still studying! I hope I'll make a 100!!!

    -London Pirtle 4th period

  11. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the recap. I studied over the week, and I am ready for the Time Zones Test! I can't wait!
    - Tina Nguyen

  12. thanks for recap studying hard and i am ready for the test
    avi dixit
    5th period

  13. I studied and I am preparing for the test!
    Rashad Abdur - Raheem 4th Period

  14. Thank you, Mrs. Morton for the recap. See you tomorrow.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  15. I am ready for the test.
    Matthew Lee 5th period

  16. I studied and I am ready
    Alejandra Vazquez
    6th period.


    Amy Xue
    4th Period

  18. Volcanoes and earthquakes!! Fun, fun, FUN!!!
    Ganga Pradeep ^_^

  19. volcanoes and earthquake hmmm interesting
    Michele Solis 5th

  20. thanks for the update. see you tomorrow -andrea brimhall 4th
