Monday, November 25, 2013

Life After Turkey Day....

We've all been waiting for this holiday (and we deserve it!) I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. However, we'll be hitting the ground running on December 2. We will be diving into deforestation, pollution, population, urbanization, desertification, population pyramids, and a few other topics that focus on our imprint on the environment. Look at this interesting video from the BBC:



  1. This was really interesting! Thanks Mrs. Morton!
    Angelena Perez

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the whole holagram type presentation was really cool ~ alex moore

  4. Very itnteresting
    DeAndre Reading 5th

  5. The comparison between the rich and poor is very interesting

  6. Thanks Mrs. Morton! It was very interesting to hear about the comparison of the rich and the poor.

    Emily Cooper
    6th period

  7. Thank You Mrs.Morton! This is extremely interesting to see and hear about the comparison between the rich and the poor
    Hamsa Jambulapati 6th period

  8. that was very interesting i liked the video
    Aniston Hicks 5th period

  9. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the video. It was very interesting. I can't believe there are people in the world earning $100 dollars a day compared to the people making $1 dollar a day! Christine Lee

  10. Really cool stuff about different wages. I also think its ironic how he talks about the poor people while using holograms. -Ahmed Motiwala

  11. This was very interesting about the comparison to the richest people that make $100 a day and the poorest people that make $1 a day.
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  12. The video was very interesting! It is amazing how the people that make one dollar per day barely have enough money to get shoes while the rich people have enough money to travel on planes!
    Selenne Zarate 5th period

  13. This video was very interesting and so true. Thanks Mrs. Morton!
    Gabrielle Cash
    6th period

  14. It was very interesting.
    -Ganga Pradeep

  15. That is so true and really cool graphics he has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Domonique Gause 5th period

  16. This video was very interesting. I can't believe that some people earn a $1 a day and can't even afford to buy shoes. -Ricki Le 6th

  17. People really earn a dollar a day!
    Cameron Allen 7th

  18. I liked the comparison between rich and poor. I learned a lot
    Rachel barber 7 th period

  19. This video was really fascinating. I think I can understand the difference between the rich and the poor better now.
    -Sukanya Barman (5th)

  20. I didn't know people were richer than the rich people. I am surprised that people actually make $1.00 a day.
    -Alejandra Vazquez
    6th period

  21. I feel bad for the poor.... only making 1 dollar a day is just sad. Lots of stores are hiring one time or another, hire the poor people!!
    Isabel Cui 6th period

  22. i feel bad for the poor. Me and my dad always go and make goody bags with chips and sandwiches and drinks and more every holiday and we then take them to places and give them to homeless people.
    Dakota Dunlap
    7th period

  23. thanks! this was very informative!
    oliviaaaaaaa dillllllowwwwwwww 5th period

  24. wow. I had no idea that there was such a big difference in people's incomes.
    Jana Shelton 5th pd.

  25. Thanks hope u also have a great thanksgiving
    Michele solis
    5th period

  26. I thought that it was very interesting. Have a great thanksgiving!!! :)
    Shelby Moore-5th
