Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm Going to Put on My English Teacher Hat For a Minute.....

Most of you are aware that I was an English teacher for many years before I decided to use my "double" major from my Bachelors degree and teach history/social studies. But, for a moment, I'm going to talk to you as an English teacher. It made me very sad to hear so many young people say that they had had a cursive writing poster in their elementary school classrooms, but that they had never actually been taught how to write in cursive. I truly believe that an educated man or woman can be known by their "hand"...meaning their handwriting. Therefore, I am going to print some practice sheets off and place them in the classroom. If you want extra credit for the remainder of the next 4.5 weeks, practice your cursive and I will give you an extra credit grade. From this day forward, I want to see nothing but cursive on your classwork and homework. Even if you think it looks bad now, it will look better with practice; take pride in it because it is like an art form.

Oh! Here is another English teacher "thing" - please do not use language like "dis" (meaning "this") when commenting on the blog. We are attempting to educate ourselves here, not devolve into some type of pigeon English. Thanks.


  1. Alright I will do it Sam Baker 4th Period

  2. Thank you, Mrs.Morton for putting practice sheets out for us. I will do my best cursive writing.
    Savannah Lee 6th period

  3. Thanks Matthew Lee 5th period

  4. I think that cursive should be used and am glad to relearn it.

    Neil Arora 6th period

  5. I really look forward to practicing my cursive writing. Thank you for the extra credit opportunity.
    Alejandra Vazquez - 6th Period

  6. My cursive is terrible so this will be good practice!

    ~Amy Xue 4th Period

    1. I'm right there with you, Amy.
      -Sukanya Barman (5th Period)

    2. Joining the party of people with terrible cursive. I can't even read my own writing, bluh.

      -Chloe Carter, 6th period

    3. Joining the party of people with terrible cursive. I can't even read my own writing, bluh.

      -Chloe Carter, 6th period

  7. Thank you for the extra credit! This will be good practice for me.
    Rashad Abdur - Raheem 4th Period

  8. I will do my best on this project Mario Ray II 6th period

  9. Thanks Mrs. Morton! I wasn't aware that you were an English teacher! My mother was once an English teacher as well!


  10. Definitely a challenge, but I am willing to do it!
    ~Tina Nguyen
    5th period

  11. I knew Id have to learn sooner or later, ughh!
    Hammond Humber

  12. Thank you so much this can help some of us that are lacking
    Avi Dixit 5th

  13. Good luck trying to read my cursive handwring, Mrs. Morton! Christine Lee

  14. Thanks Mrs. Morton!!!
    Krishi Pradeep 4th prd.

  15. I will do all the extra credit i can to make the 100 i want:p
    -DeAndre Reading 5th

  16. Thank you so much! I really need the extra credit.
    Jana Shelton 5th pd. :O =^.^= Like my cat face?

  17. yes you really do Jana
    Matthew lee 5th period

  18. Um... I like extra credit!

  19. Thanks Ms.MOrton i will thrive for bonus on the 100 i have
    Hamsa Jambulapati
    6th period

  20. I have a pretty good feeling that I did good on my re-test Mrs. Morton Mario Ray II 6th period

  21. thank you
    Michele Solis
    5th period

  22. thanks for the practice sheets andrea brimhall 4th

  23. I'll try my hardest Mrs. Morton, cursive is fairly easy for me, but I learned a bit of calligraphy and that became cursive for me. For instance, my "G" is a calligraphy "G". So I'll try to do my best with that.
    - Ganga Pradeep, 6th period ^_^

  24. I may not need it, but extra credit is awesome!
    Aver Israel 6th

  25. My cursive is readable. Sort of.

  26. I love cursive! Thanks for the extra credit Mrs.Morton!
    -London Pirtle 4th

  27. I like this post Mrs. Morton-Simon Thomas- 5th period
