Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekly Recap and Look into Next Week

We had a busy week last week. We took the rest of our notes on regions and what constitutes a region. We used a Cloze Note strategy to mine our notes for the key points about regions, and that will serve as our study guide for the test on Tuesday. Originally, I envisioned that we would take the test on Friday of this past week; however, that was not realistic, nor compatible with finishing up the foldables. Therefore, the test will be on Tuesday of next week.

The soft date for the foldable turn-in is Wednesday, and the absolute deadline is Friday, October 4. I won't be able to add them to the report cards for grades if I don't get them by then.

We had a great time with our speaker on Friday during 3rd and 4th periods. Mr. Jay Jayaraman, a graduate student from the the Confuscious Center at the University of Memphis, came to teach the students about GO, the oldest board game known to man. The students had a fabulous time and, because he is so amazing astute at what he does, they learned the rudimentary rules so quickly I was surprised. Pictures of his visit follow beneath this post. He will be returning two weeks after fall break to work with my 5th, 6th and 7th periods. I can't wait for them to learn the game as well.

Next week will be a busy week. On Monday we will review for the test and use whatever time is left over to work on foldables. On Tuesday, we will take the test. On Wednesday we will begin the Timezones unit and introduce a new differentiated learning strategy into the classroom called "Learning Menus". With a learning menu, a student self-selects 3 activities to demonstrate their understanding of a concept - an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert on three varying levels of difficulty. Mrs. Murphy, from the Wonderkids, and I are doing this together (as we do most things!) Last, but certainly not least, is the turn-in of the foldables from Wednesday through Friday. The time spent on this project demands that it count as 2 grades.

Hope eveyone has a great week!


  1. This week was fun!

    ~Amy Xue 4th Period

  2. Thank you, Mrs. Morton for the update on what we're going to do this coming week and for reminding us when our project is due. I'm getting better with not texting you, so for now I'm not the texting girl. Hope you had a good weekend, Mrs. Morton
    Savannah Lee-6th period

  3. That was fun!
    Kate Yelverton 4th period

  4. It will be a fun week! -Caroline Hoff 5th period

  5. Can't wait and thanks!

    --Elaine Fu 5th Period

  6. Thank you Mrs.Morton for the deadline for the fordable. I promise it will be done. Mario Ray 6th period

  7. Thank you for the updates and the project deadline. I enjoyed the game of GO with Mr. Jay Jayaraman.
    Rashad Abdur-Raheem 4th Period

  8. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the overview of the week. I am working on the foldable as I am typing. :) I'll have it done by Wednesday. :D

  9. LOL SAM
    Matthew Lee 5th period

    1. Thank you Mrs.Morton for the speaker even though I im 5th period
      Matthew Lee

  10. Thanks, I cant wait to see what the foldables look like when they are finished.
    Gigi Ford 3rd

  11. I can't wait to learn how to play GO! Thanks for the update. Christine Lee

  12. I'm just sitting there like ................CHIPMUNK Sam Baker 4th period

    1. I understood that reference.
      -Chloe Carter

  13. Hi, Mrs. Morton. I see that we have a really busy week ahead of us. See you tomorrow.
    -Sukanya Barman

  14. I can't wait till the speaker comes. Mario Ray 6th Paeriod

  15. THanks for the update!! I am really looking forward to learning how to play Go!
    selenne zarate 5th

  16. I can't wait to learn more about go.Thanks for the recap and the update
    Shreya Veeravelli 6th period

  17. I can't wait to meet him and play Go!
    ~Kaitlin Mottley, 5th Pd.

  18. Lol my bun :) thanks for the recap!
    London Pirtle
    4th period

  19. Cool I can not wait for the speaker

    Neil Arora 6th period

  20. I can't wait for the speaker to come! thx for the recap and preview!
    Isabel Cui 6th period

  21. I'm so excited to learn how to play go! It seems so interesting :O
    -Chloe Carter, 6th period

  22. I am very excited to learn how to play go!
    -Shelby Moore 5th period

  23. i also had a great week sorry im late i saw it i just forgot to comment
    Michele Solis
    5th period

  24. I cant wait for the Go guy to come to my class
    Hamsa Jambulpati
    6th period

  25. Mrs. Morton,
    You forgot the 'r' in everyone (eveyone).
    Grant Elrod

    1. and the word cloze is spelled close

  26. that was so cool -andrea brimhall 4th
