Friday, September 7, 2012

Open House

Thanks to all who attended our Open House last night. I so enjoyed meeting all of the parents who came!  I hope you walked away with a better understanding of how Geography is taught on the Falcon Team.

Please remember to check out all of the teaching blogs to your right on this page. Mrs. Murphy and I are constantly working to improve and update our work. We're especially proud that this blog has been viewed over 31,000 times in just one year, and over 16,000 times internationally. If you scroll down, you will see our national and international counters. We're hoping to continue collecting world flags from our visitors; as of yesterday, we had a total of 66 flags from countries around the world.

Thanks again for coming; we look forward to a fantastic year with your children. If you have any questions, you know how to reach me!

Mrs. Morton


  1. This blog is AWESOME!!! Thank you:)

  2. My parents really liked meeting you! Thanks for everything this year so far! ;)

    1. where have you been all week, travis????????

  3. i have relatives that live in israel.
    i could ask them to check out this blog!
    -nizar jibrin

  4. My parents enjoyed coming to..... Keyarash Hatamzadeh 4th period

  5. My new favorite song
