Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to all my little Falcons! It seems that we all had a great and much-needed holiday break, and now we're back ready to put our noses to the grindstone! Well, maybe we're not all totally ready for the grindstone....but, we're back, nonetheless.

I want to give a warm blogger welcome to Mrs. Pettigrew, our new student teacher for the next seven weeks. You all met her today and I think she is going to be a wonderful asset to our team for the next month and a half. We need to get a picture of her online.

This week we are taking the pulse of our knowledge-base. We have taken the released 7th grade TCAP Social Studies test from 2010, and as we began reviewing our answers today, I realized that I was pleasantly surprised by the initial results for most classes. Now the work begins to fill in the rest of the gaps (we have 4 more SPI's to cover) and to begin the review process. You know, I am pretty proud to be the teacher of such a smart group of boys and girls. Many of you amazed me with the logic of your reasoning today when explaining why you chose a particular answer.

We will finish the test review up tomorrow and then begin our study of world leaders and government models on Friday. See you in the morning!  


  1. thanks and i think it'll be fun to have her in our classes the next few weeks

    -maddie jackson

  2. im gonna try 2 make even higher tcap score this year

  3. margaret hamer just posted

  4. yay to mrs. pettigrew!!!!!
    no!!!to TCAP practice!!

  5. I think Mrs. Pettigrew is great! I just finished studying the world leaders of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, India, Russia, and China. I hope I pass the quiz on them tomorrow! -Allie Haynes

  6. Amen, Wing! :)
    I totally failed that quiz. The Russian part was the hardest. :(

    -Divya Prasad

  7. HAPPY NEW YEAR people!!! wow...that's a really late comment...hehehehe

  8. I hope I get an even better grade this year on Tcap.

    -Eve Abraha

  9. i like tacos but not tcap- Mo Pruitte

  10. for andy ma it is going to be a wretched year like the last one
