I'm so psyched up! Mrs. Murphy is signing our school up for the National Geographic Geography Bee!!! Wow! I just know that I have some young geographers on the Falcon Team who will win this bee!! Above is a picture of the official study guide, which you can buy at amazon.com for $9.00. Think seriously about preparing yourselves for this bee. I'd loooovvve to be the teacher with the winning geographer!! You guys are so fantastic, I know that you will get excited about this, too! We'll talk more about it tomorrow!
Looking forward to it-Myles Baker
ReplyDeleteI am glad that 7th grade is in the Geography Bee, I would love to try! I am a terrible sppeellerr so geography might just be my BEE!
ReplyDelete-Margaret Hamer
Can't wait!!!!!
ReplyDelete-Eve Abraha
7th period
cant wait!!
ReplyDelete-Abbey Robertson
Can't wait!
ReplyDelete-Divya Prasad
cant wait!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to it!!
ReplyDelete-Nhu & Hoangnha Vo
can`t wait to find out more info.! it`s gonna be AWESOME!!!
ReplyDelete~~~Hannah Mills <3
excited for tommorow!!!
ReplyDeleteKayla Klazmer
ReplyDeleteAllison Raney
coolio, it sounds cool i cant wait to hear more about it tomorrow:D
ReplyDelete-maddie jackson
cant wait to here more tommoro!! :)
ReplyDelete-jada akoto
Looking forward to it.
ReplyDelete-Sidney Parish.
Can't wait!
ReplyDelete-Srishti Arora
So exited!!!
ReplyDelete-Eve Abraha
ReplyDeleteI'm so filled with joy I'm going to burst with joy. I LOVE bees, ecspecially the geography kind.
ReplyDeleteThe one above is mine. Morrell Pruitte
ReplyDeletecant wait