Sunday, November 11, 2012

Madison Rising - "The Star Spangled Banner" Goal

Madison Rising Creates Expanded Star Spangled Banner Challenge | Francis Scott Key
Madison Rising (Photo Credit: FILE)

Madison Rising, an up and coming rock band, has a goal to reach: they are trying to get 5 million hits on their new rock version of our national anthem. They hope to reach that goal by Independence Day (4th of July) in 2013. Since the band launched this goal, they have been hearing from educators and parents across the country who have embraced a new way to touch young hearts by the words of our anthem. Listen to the song and see if you don't like this version. It always gives me chills!!


  1. I sorta kinda like it.
    Aayushi Shah

  2. kinda cool !!!!
    kassidy street

  3. it was okk!
    -lucy rose:))

  4. sooo cooooollllllllll

  5. cooooooooooool
    Garret Taylor

  6. the singer was a little annoying but other than that it was awesome!
    thais lloyd

  7. I didn't like it like that but, if they used other beat or the singer tried to change his voice a little.......Then I'll probably like it,PROBABLY..Amariah
