Monday, September 5, 2011

Study Island is Ready for You.....

Mr. Page instructed us to form our classes in Study Island last week and get all of you going on it...Well, I just finished doing that very thing! For those of you who have forgotten - you sign into Study Island like this: VictoriaMorton.wsms; and then your password is either the one you personally created last year, or the word: spartan. Each one of my classes is labelled Morton Third, Morton Fourth, etc. Find your class and then you will find an assignment waiting on you there. It is an assessment that covers what we have covered in the last few weeks. No new material; you should know it all. However, if you don't pass proficiently the first time, you may re-take it until you do pass with proficiency. You have until Friday afternoon to have it finished. There are only about 18 questions on it, I think. So, it shouldn't be too taxing to complete. One word of advice: it IS a grade, so don't sluff it off!

Don't forget that your scrapbook page is due tomorrow, and that your vocab test is on Wednesday.

I sure pray the AC is working tomorrow! The temperatures may be cooler outside, but they won't be in the building for a little while yet. Mrs. Murphy joked that since the temperature dropped, they will probably have the heat blowing in the morning! Oh no!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the info. :)

    Wing Deng

  2. thanks for the reminder


  3. Study island won't let me use your username or password!

    -Eve Abraha

  4. thx mrs.morton cant wait to hear more tomorrow

    -maddie jackson

  5. Yay!!! AC!!!!! we missed it soooo much. it was HOT!!!!

    ~~Hannah Mills

  6. When i get on study island and put in the username and password, it says 'invalid login'.
    -Eve Abraha

  7. I should get started
    Joseph Schull

  8. I'm about to get started on my study island!!!
    - Araceli Morales

  9. Hey Mrs.Morton I finished the study island and got a 95

    Lily Touchstone

  10. I read the blog and looking forward to the Hunger Games. I have also finished Study Island.

    Avery Davis

  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I don't really like study island...oh well.

    -Anna Harrison
