I put the flash cards for this quiz on the Weathering page. Go to Physical Geography; click on the Weathering button at the top, and the flashcards are at the top of the page. Good luck! See ya' tomorrow!
A seventh grade journey through geography and world culture. Find teaching unit blogs for map skills, continents and oceans, time zones, Tennessee geography, physical and cultural geography, population and migration, man's imprint on the environment, world religions and much more.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy

Please keep the people on the east coast and in the northeast in your thoughts as we go through our day today and then into this evening. The worst of the storm is supposed to be pounding them tonight between 8:00 and 8:30 eastern time (which would be 7:00 - 7:30 our time). According to meteorologists, this is a storm of epic proportions which could devastate an area of our country 1,000 miles wide. Adding to the problem is the fact that the moon is in its full cycle. This means what? That's right, the tides will already be at their highest when the storm is hitting its hardest. Look at the picture above. It is truly a monumental storm...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tomorrow's Technology Agenda
We are beginning to use our phones and a few free apps to put our flashcards on our phones. This is such a good way for students to incorporate their personal technology into their academic life. No more lost flashcards; study time is anytime when your phone is in your pocket or purse. We have even seen higher scoring on quizzes lately through the incorporation of this study technique. If you have a smart phone, an iphone, an ipod touch, a kindle fire, or an ipad, tomorrow is your day to bring that to class, with your parents' permission of course, and receive instruction on how to get started in this new area. However, there is a caveat: the device may not be used in any other classroom, or in any other part of the school or your privilege is automatically revoked. And, one more warning: NO earphones at all!
Do not forget that the flashcards for tomorrow's quiz on "types of volcanoes" are on the Physical Geography link. Once on the blog, click on the Volcanoes page; and the set you want is the second set from the top.
See you Tomorrow my lovelies!
Click on the link below for a copy of an academic cell phone to place in your id holder. Print it, cut it out and slip it in there so you'll have something official:
Cell Phone Pass
Do not forget that the flashcards for tomorrow's quiz on "types of volcanoes" are on the Physical Geography link. Once on the blog, click on the Volcanoes page; and the set you want is the second set from the top.
See you Tomorrow my lovelies!
Click on the link below for a copy of an academic cell phone to place in your id holder. Print it, cut it out and slip it in there so you'll have something official:
Cell Phone Pass
Friday, October 19, 2012
Volcano Quiz on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd
The following picture and definition list will be covered in the volcano quiz on Tuesday.
Magma -
Molten rock beneath Earth's surface.
Parasitic Cone - A
small cone-shaped volcano formed by an accumulation of volcanic debris.
Sill - A
flat piece of rock formed when magma hardens in a crack in a volcano.
Vent - An
opening in Earth's surface through which volcanic materials escape.
Flank - The
side of a volcano.
Lava -
Molten rock that erupts from a volcano that solidifies as it cools.
Crater -
Mouth of a volcano - surrounds a volcanic vent.
Conduit - An
underground passage magma travels through.
Summit -
Highest point; apex
Throat -
Entrance of a volcano. The part of the conduit that ejects lava and volcanic
Ash - Fragments
of lava or rock smaller than 2 mm in size that are blasted into the air by
volcanic explosions.
Ash Cloud - A
cloud of ash formed by volcanic explosions.
Friday, October 12, 2012
In Honor of the Upcoming Halloween Celebration...
If this interests you, read the real historical novel by Bram Stoker, written in 1897, at this link:
If this interests you, check out Nat Geo's Salem Witch Trials Interactive at this link:
Nat Geo's Salem Witch Trials
Have fun, my lovlies! See you on Tuesday!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Plans for Next Week....
We will review how the time zone map works on Monday. Tuesday we will take a quiz using the map itself, and discover if you really understand how to use it. Remember that when you move to cities and countries on the left of the Prime Meridian, you subtract one hour for each meridian (15 degrees) you move through. When you move to the right of the Prime Meridian, you add one hour of time for each meridian (15 degrees) that you pass through. It's that simple! Of course, the International Dateline does throw in one slight monkey-wrench...If you are travelling west and pass over the International Dateline, you have automatically traveled into the next day. If you are travelling east and cross the International Dateline, you have automatically moved into yesterday! Watch the video of the student crossing the International Dateline located on the International Dateline button on the Time Zone blog. It's cute, but it also shows you how simple the idea really is.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will start the Physical Processes blog. Take a look at it and familiarize yourself with some of the information there so you get a head start. We will complete the crossword activity located on that blog under the Crosswords button. Check it out and you could get a head start on that activity. See all you wonderful Falcons in the morning!!
On Tuesday and Wednesday we will start the Physical Processes blog. Take a look at it and familiarize yourself with some of the information there so you get a head start. We will complete the crossword activity located on that blog under the Crosswords button. Check it out and you could get a head start on that activity. See all you wonderful Falcons in the morning!!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Experience What It's Like to Be a Refugee

Here's another game from the United Nations. Play the video game online and experience what it might feel like to be a refugee.
Click on the link to play:
Against All Odds Refugee Game
Don't forget to try out the Free Rice game below!
Stop World Hunger; Play for Rice

Play the game, and for every correct answer you choose, free rice is donated to the United Nations World Food Program to end world hunger. It's a way for you to contribute to the world's hungry simply by using your knowledge. That's pretty cool! Try it out - you'll want to do it over and over again just to earn the rice for hungry children.
Click this link to connect and play: U.N. Free Rice Game
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow, Thursday, 10/4/12
Below is a copy of the vocabulary that I gave you yesterday and the single math problem. Here it is in case you forgot to take it home to study for the quiz tonight!
Zone Vocabulary
1. Earth's rotation - the
earth rotates 1 complete time in 24 hours
2. meridians (longitude
- the
ancient Greeks mathematically divided the earth into 360 equal segments that
were 15° wide in order to create a system of time for each 24 hour day
3. 360 ÷ 24 (hours) = 15 (or 15°)
4. Prime Meridian -
0° longitude (the starting point)
5. Greenwich Mean Time
- Greenwich,
England is the city that sits directly on the Prime Meridian; GMT refers to
solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. Also referred to as
Zulu Time.
6. International Dateline - a
generally north-south imaginary line on the surface of the Earth, passing
through the middle of the Pacific Ocean, that designates the place where each
calendar day begins. It is roughly along 180° longitude, opposite the Prime
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