Saturday, October 29, 2011

"More Blogging!" says Divya....

I saw the comment from Divya that said, "could you blog a little more often?" I guess she means, could I talk to you on the blog more. I usually do it a few times a week....but, if you're looking for it, Divya, here it comes!!!!

I hope you're all having a great weekend on this nice, cool Saturday... I've spent the day indulging in my family and doing things around the house. Sounds exciting, huh? Well, it is for me! Any of you guys seen Captain America, yet? We saw it last night, and my family loved it. Action + patriotism means the Morton men (my husband and sons) are going to love it.

I am spending tomorrow grading the map tests from the Tennessee test. I hope they turn out as great as your multiple choice tests did. As a whole group, I'd say you performed very well on them. I was really happy with how excited you got from seeing the grades so quickly on the new scanner. You all were so funny...but, then, you frequently are....

Has everyone gone on the blog and looked at the entire pep rally movie yet? I'm getting ready to take it down, so make hay while the sun shines if you want to see it. John Lyons' mom is sending me some football pix and I'm going to make a movie out of those, as well.

I really can't wait to start the next unit with you guys. I think this one is actually going to be exciting - I can't wait to hear what your ideas are about pollution, the environment, global warming, etc. There are so many things in this unit to make you reflect deeply about what each and every one of us can do to improve the world we live in. I've got some fun activities for us to do, and some great songs and videos to make you think. I'm going to be interested to see how well you like the topic.

I've checked the other blog links of our's that have polls. Everyone has still not voted in the polls. If you haven't done so yet, please get it done.

Okay, I think I should have satisfied you little Divya. Have a good weekend, all. See you on Monday!

Mrs. Morton

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Test is Posted

Okay, show me how resourceful you are. The test has been posted on this, or a related teaching blog. Find it and you'll have a leg up on everyone else for the review tomorrow!  Take the polls!

Homecoming Pep Rally Movie...

Check out the Homecoming Pep Rally movie to your right. It's so cute, and you all look so adorable! I love making these slideshow/movies of you guys. They will be a nice keepsake memory for you someday if you copy them. Tell everybody to log on and watch it, and I'll probably show it in class at some point this week. Enjoy!

The End of October...

Oh my gosh! The end of October is upon us! When I look back over everything we have done in the last few months, I just get dizzy! We have been some busy people! Well, fasten your seatbelts folks, because we're about to get busier... If you look at the link list to the right of this posting, you will see a link called, "The Human Imprint on the Environment." That is my newest unit blog for our upcoming topic. Go and check it out. I think you'll find that it's pretty interesting. After that, we'll be headed towards Population and Migration.

On Monday, we will review for the Tennessee test. If I get very generous later today, I may post the test online. However, after the debacle of the failure to turn in the Tennessee brochures on Friday, I'm not sure how much of the milk of human kindness is flowing through my veins!!!! Check back later today.

Hope you all had a good weekend. I had a great birthday celebration with my family!

Please make sure that you have visited the teaching blogs posted that we have already had, and you take the poll. I need you to take care of that, pronto!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. M.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tennessee Projects Are Fantastic as We Progress!!

We are almost finished with these great projects, and the kids have worked sooo hard this week. They combine all of the information we need to know for our state standards, as well as integrate cross-curricular skills. We're going to place them in the A Hallway when our team and Mrs. Murphy's team are finished; they will form the shape of the state of Tennessee. That way we can share our hard work with everyone! Here are some pix as we go:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Walk-a-Thon Fun!!

We had a great time this morning at the Walk-a-Thon! I got my camera fired up and shot a bunch of pix of my Falcons having a great time this morning. Take a look at the slide-show to your left to see the day in review. It's pretty cute!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to take care of your Study Island Assessment if you haven't done it yet!

See you Monday morning!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Don't Forget....

Please don't forget to take care of the last Study Island assessment before tomorrow. It appears that it comes in 2 parts, rather than one big assessment. It doesn't take long to take them either. I watched several people as they took it during class yesterday, and it took about ten minutes max. Remember to be careful as you click on the answers. You want your last grades of the nine weeks to be good!

Please have your notes & homework composition books in class on Thursday and Friday so I can make sure we have your grades. And, don't forget your scrapbooks! I think I have most of those grades now, but if I haven't seen your's, you need to have it handy.

Hope many of you enjoyed the first chapter of the Hunger Games yesterday. We'll do that in class again on Thursday. So many of you are excited by those stories, and I'm happy to see your enthusiasm. Mrs. Murphy says there is a great video on the cast of the upcoming movie on Gaggle Tube, and I'm going to try to find it this morning. We can watch it before we start the Kindle PC version of the novel again.

Friday is going to be a Flash Card practice day. Make sure you have bothe sets with you.

If you haven't visited the Time Zones blog yet -, please do. I need you to vote on the poll.

See you in class!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm Back!.........

I'm so glad I can type again, and get back to the blog... So many of you have said to me, "When are you going to blog again?" Well, as we all know, I had to give my 53 yr. old rotater cuff a break from typing. But, I'm much better now, so get prepared for a deluge of blogging!

We had a great lesson today on International Time Zones. Don't you think so? Did you ever think it could be so easy when the maps look so complicated? I've got even more tricks to show you tomorrow! Don't forget, if you want some extra practice, or just want to see the movie again, go to my time zone blog at - I may even add a few more things to the site. Oh, by the way Fourth Period, Mr. Page said he was very impressed with you today! Go Fourth Period!

We'll finish up time zones tomorrow, and then we will begin the process of winding up the nine weeks. After time zones, we will revist physical processes one more time to make sure we have wrapped that up for everyone. Then, on Thursday and Friday I will be taking grades for all the loose end pieces. Anyone who needs to make up work can do so this week. Grades are due in by October 13, so we have plenty of time to get it all in.

I have to say that after nine weeks of being with you, I simply love you all and still enjoy being with you each day. You're all a joy to me! See you tomorrow!